 |  27 Jul 2024
PRESS RELEASE:Statement about the withdrawal of Eritrean People's Democratic Party
PRESS RELEASE Statement about the withdrawal of Eritrean People's Democratic Party - a party and I have a handler Ammar EDA 
I read the central leadership of the Alliance of Eritrean Democratic and during its emergency meeting to discuss the issue split the PDP Eritrean into two, a statement issued on January 23, 2011 in the name of People's Democratic Party Eritrean - Party and I have a handler Ammar - declaring his withdrawal from Eritrean Democratic Alliance, and setting out a series of charges that do not Tsentd (depends) to specific facts, which starts from the stage of creation of the Alliance and to this day, and vowed more details, Sifand(to explain more if any) Alliance later this Alidaat(the pervious speech) as necessary. 
The central leadership as it deplores this attitude, which practice the Party's People's Democratic Party Eritrean, towards the Eritrean Democratic Alliance and its activities, especially towards the Dialogue Forum National Democratic Change and the results came out, which was the product of the decision of the coalition monotheistic and the sessions of the central leadership of the alliance, and place of consensus for all Eritrean opposition forces, to confirm the masses of our people and the forces fighting Democratic Change for that yard Eritrean Democratic Alliance has been and will always be open to the strength of his calendar, and address the shortcomings in his work, opening the prospect of a larger struggle. 
And yards away from the excitement and media circus that is the approach and the legacy of this trend, and throughout his career the former, the Eritrean Democratic Alliance will not be dragged behind these battles particularism, and will stick to its tasks of struggle that will not deviate from. And we call on all the resistance forces for democratic change to the escalation of the struggle for the success of ongoing programs phase of struggle against the dictatorial regime, leading to free our people from the suffering experienced by. 
In the view of the central leadership to withdraw from the Eritrean Democratic Alliance will not find solutions to the difficulties and dilemmas and contradictions secondary between its components, which are processed only through dialogues, collective or bilateral and agreed upon, hoping in the eye of time to show to this trend, a way to participate with the forces of the struggle for democratic change in our country In the coming events in the forefront of national dialogue conference year, and contribute to the mobilization of rows and energies to the benefit of that. 
Central Command 
Eritrean Democratic Alliance 
24 January, 2011
Romodan Mubark
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Romodan Mubark
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