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Statement of the Nation
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, Nasser vulnerable, and crushing the proud, and blessings and peace envoy to the mercy of the creation of wholes, and yet... 
The (Conference National) who stood with the Egyptian revolution since its earliest days, and before the revolution of Tunisia, his belief in the right of the nation and their people in freedom and liberty, and their right to choose their governments, to bless the people of Egypt in particular, and the nation in general, this great victory, and this revolution is blessed by long-awaited underdogs in Egypt and the Arab world, as it is that the conference to call for the Egyptian people to caution and prudence that kidnaps a revolution, or take advantage of jihad, or differentiate and unity, which manifested itself most evident during the days of popular revolution, peaceful historical to the Egyptian people with all its components. 
Oh God, save Egypt and its people and the nation from behind each of Kidd and cunning, and Make Revolution blessing to Egypt and the Arabs and the whole nation .. (The nation) 
Friday, 8 spring 1432 the first 
February 11, 2011 
Signatories of them: 
Rachad - Algeria 
Umma Party - Kuwait 
Union of Forces of the Nation - Sudan 
Party of the Islamic nation - Saudi Arabia 
The Islamic Congress - Eritrea 
Umma Party - Arabian Peninsula 
Union nation of Yemen - Yemen 
Umma Party - Palestine


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